The Birth of Christlike Academy
Linus Kirimi was introduced to Christ when he was a boy by a missionary. He accepted Christ as his Savior at age 9. As Linus was being discipled, the Lord put a call to ministry on his heart to work with those in the community with the greatest needs. As he grew in his faith he served in churches, Christian schools, and Kenyan Baptist Theological College.
At 33 years old, Linus moved into the Misiri slum in Limuru, Kenya, in order to be with “the least of these”. While ministering to this community, Living Proof Baptist Church was born.
In 2003 Elizabeth Wanjohi agreed to Linus’ proposal to marry him and live in the distressed community of Misiri, forsaking the comforts of her own family. And together, the Kirimis served their community.
Limuru, Kenya
Residents of Misiri Slum in Limuru are poor due to low income and lack of financial discipline. Many are employed in the nearby tea plantations. When it is not harvest season, they remain idle and restless. Many engage in theft, alcoholism, prostitution, and drug abuse. Consequently many have contracted AIDS/HIV, leaving many children as orphans. These children are taken in by others but usually lack consistent food, education and other basic needs. To make matters even worse, the community discriminates against these children and sees their futures as doomed and hopeless.
Christlike Academy Today
In 2014, Christlike Academy was a small, two-story building surrounded by a dirt yard. They offered a standard Kenyan education and two meals of porridge and rice to 70 children. Many of these children had been abandoned by their parents and left with relatives or left alone to fend for themselves. The school was their safe haven.
There are now over 400 students enrolled from pre-k through 8th grade at Christlike Academy. The children receive two meals with rice and vegetables each day. The school has added Boy Scouts, a physical education program, a certified training testing
center and is fully accredited. The work of the students, teachers and administrators has begun to pay off as students consistently score in the top percentage of their peers in Kenya. This year, every 8th grader has passed their national exams and is approved to advance to Form 1!
The work is not complete. There are still more students who need this kind of lifeline and there is nothing for them past 8th grade. The facility isn’t big enough to accommodate everyone and not enough caring individuals are aware of the need. There is still much work to be done, but the progress made is nothing short of a miracle.
Our Partners
We partner with indigenous Kenyan pastors trained by Hamoreh Ministries in order to meet the needs of children in desperate communities.